Google Smartglasses, also named Google Glass Enterprise Edition will come to the end
Google’s FAQ about its smart glasses says that Google will stop selling them after March 15, 2023, and will not provide any software support beyond September 15, 2023.
Back in 2017, Google launched Glass Enterprise Edition, which aimed to revolutionize the workplace by enhancing productivity and safety. The device looked like a pair of glasses and had a small display that enabled users to view information, capture photos, and record videos. What’s more, it was hands-free, making it perfect for workers who needed to use their hands for other tasks.
Despite generating a lot of buzz when it first came out, Google Smartglasses failed to gain widespread adoption. The high price point was one of the reasons why it didn’t catch on with many businesses. Furthermore, the device was criticized for being too invasive, with some people expressing concerns about privacy and security.
Although for some it’s disappointing that Google has decided to stop selling Glass Enterprise Edition, the device will continue to function after September 15, 2023. Nonetheless, users won’t receive any additional software updates from Google, and the Meet on Glass app will no longer receive support.
Users who experience issues with their Google Smartglasses can still have them replaced by Google until September 15, 2023. After that date, they will need to contact their distributor or reseller to request a replacement. Google has also stated that the latest system images will remain available until at least April 1, 2024, although no further updates are planned.

What is Google’s future in AR Industry?
It is worth noting here that even with the discontinuation of Google Smartglasses, it doesn’t seem that Google is abandoning the whole AR industry. Quite the contrary – Google announced earlier this year, its partnership with Samsung and Qualcomm. The entire partnership is all about its AR/VR Headset, we don’t quite know what it will be, but it is quite unlikely that they will provide us with AR glasses, as technology is not particularly there. Most probably, they will aim to make a product between Meta Quest Pro and the upcoming Apple mixed reality headset.
Samsung’s announcement all but confirms that the company is developing a new wearable display or headset. It won’t be the same as Google Smartglasses. The best way to describe their new headset is Extended reality or XR, which is a general term used to represent a handful of related technologies that include virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality. Because these technologies reflect different ways of physically looking at software, services, and the world around you, Samsung’s venture into the XR industry could mean more options for consumers.
Roh, the president and head of Samsung’s mobile experience business, talking with Washington Post said that the software for Samsung’s XR product will be provided by Google, and the hardware will be Samsung’s. Samsung’s venture into extended reality will also involve service partnerships with Meta and Microsoft. Although Roh declined to elaborate on specifics, these partnerships will likely help Samsung’s XR project find its footing in an increasingly crowded market.
Roh about the collaboration with Qualcomm
For the chipset, it is going to be a strategic collaboration with Qualcomm. The hardware will be us.
Google may re-enter the XR market with their new Google Smartglasses sooner than anticipated, but maybe not in the way we imagine. The abandonment of their Google Smartglasses may be due to their partnership with Samsung, whose new hardware will incorporate Google software. In the future, Google may focus on developing Mixed Reality devices similar to what we have with Meta Quest Pro or the upcoming Meta Quest 3, and also true AR Glasses which we could see at the end of this decade.